36 Best Spring Flower Ideas for Your Garden

Spring will be the season where the gardeners begin to affect by spring fever as they will plant flowers like crazy. Besides growing an attractive plant, they will also have to consider the types of the flowers. Flowers have a critical role in its plant’s capacity to reproduce that the gardeners have to look for the right flowers to be planted.

There are some tips for you to get more blooms on your garden than ever before. The first one is by planting the very early bloomers like galanthus nivalis, eranthis hyemalis, or chionodoxa luciliae. Next, you can interplant your large bulbs, like tulips, daffodils, and hyacinths with cold-hardy annuals. Still, when creating a flowering landscape, don’t forget to follow the garden design principle where it should be started with trees, then shrubs, and plants. The spring flower garden pictures below are given to you as examples in choosing the garden plants you want.


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